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    To order a CD (or digital download of Architect of Dreams) by mail-order:
   We accept check or money orders and can also send PayPal requests to be paid online. The cost for mail-order is $12 USD (add shipping for CDs to be mailed to non-U.S. destinations) per CD. You will get the snail mail address/PayPal request/Payable To info when you email psychecorporation at gmail dot com or fill out the mail-order form on the right. Include email contact info, name of album, and destination address for CD.    If you do not receive a response within a few days, send us a message on Facebook via http://facebook.com/PsycheCorp just in case your email ended up in our spam folder by accident.
Psyche Corp. mail-order form.

   LINKS    |    bandcamp    |    youtube    |    reverb nation  |    twitter    |    tumblr   |    facebook    |    soundcloud   |    wordpress   

   BUY    |    bandcamp    |    iTunes 1    |    iTunes 2   |    cd baby    |